The Norwegian Society of Texas
The Norwegian Society of Texas
The Norwegian Society of Texas
Snorre Chapter
The Norwegian Society of Texas (NST) was organized on March 8, 1975, with the mission to "enjoy, preserve and promote our Norwegian heritage”. The Snorre Chapter serves members in the metro areas of Houston and Galveston.
As it was in the days of the Vikings, NST is governed by the Althing, which is elected by members each year. Each chapter elects its own officers and has wide freedom in conducting its affairs. As a result, each chapter is different. Still, however, membership in one permits participation in all others.
Regardless of background, we welcome anyone interested in enjoying, preserving, and promoting Norway, its culture and heritage.
Vi ønsker deg hjertelig velkommen til Snorre!
DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this page is to create awareness of NST and the Snorre Chapter. Adventuris, LLC is not formally associated with the Norwegian Society of Texas nor does it represent any of the Officers in that organization or any organization affiliated with NST. The sole connection between Adventuris and NST is through Adriana Diesen's position in both entities.